Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Iran is a country in  the Asia continent and Middle East. Iran and Persia are two name of Iran that is prevalent in the world but the political name is Iran. Iran is 18th largest area country in the world with 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), and around 75 million population. Iran is bordered by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia on the north, Afghanistan and Pakistan on the east, Iraq and Turkey on the west. Persian Golf is in the south of Iran and Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirate and Oman are bordered on the south of Iran. Capital of Iran is Tehran (my home town) with around the 9,000,000 population. Iran have more than 2,750 years history and first of empire in Iran was Medes Empire in. 625 BC. 90% of Iranian people are Muslim and 10% are other religion like Christian, Jewish, Baha’i and etc.

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